Class reference

Sorted alphabetically.


AreaStore is a data structure to calculate intersections of 3D cuboid volumes and points. The data field (string) may be used to store and retrieve any mod-relevant information to the specified area.

Despite its name, mods must take care of persisting AreaStore data. They may use the provided load and write functions for this.


  • AreaStore(type_name)
    • Returns a new AreaStore instance
    • type_name: optional, forces the internally used API.
      • Possible values: "LibSpatial" (default).
      • When other values are specified, or SpatialIndex is not available, the custom Luanti functions are used.
  • get_area(id, include_corners, include_data)

    • Returns the area information about the specified ID.
    • Returned values are either of these:
      nil  -- Area not found
      true -- Without `include_corners` and `include_data`
          min = pos, max = pos -- `include_corners == true`
          data = string        -- `include_data == true`
  • get_areas_for_pos(pos, include_corners, include_data)

    • Returns all areas as table, indexed by the area ID.
    • Table values: see get_area.
  • get_areas_in_area(corner1, corner2, accept_overlap, include_corners, include_data)
    • Returns all areas that contain all nodes inside the area specified bycorner1 and corner2 (inclusive).
    • accept_overlap: if true, areas are returned that have nodes in common (intersect) with the specified area.
    • Returns the same values as get_areas_for_pos.
  • insert_area(corner1, corner2, data, [id]): inserts an area into the store.
    • Returns the new area's ID, or nil if the insertion failed.
    • The (inclusive) positions corner1 and corner2 describe the area.
    • data is a string stored with the area.
    • id (optional): will be used as the internal area ID if it is a unique number between 0 and 2^32-2.
  • reserve(count)
    • Requires SpatialIndex, no-op function otherwise.
    • Reserves resources for count many contained areas to improve efficiency when working with many area entries. Additional areas can still be inserted afterwards at the usual complexity.
  • remove_area(id): removes the area with the given id from the store, returns success.
  • set_cache_params(params): sets params for the included prefiltering cache. Calling invalidates the cache, so that its elements have to be newly generated.
    • params is a table with the following fields:
          enabled = boolean,   -- Whether to enable, default true
          block_radius = int,  -- The radius (in nodes) of the areas the cache
                               -- generates prefiltered lists for, minimum 16,
                               -- default 64
          limit = int,         -- The cache size, minimum 20, default 1000
  • to_string(): Experimental. Returns area store serialized as a (binary) string.
  • to_file(filename): Experimental. Like to_string(), but writes the data to a file.
  • from_string(str): Experimental. Deserializes string and loads it into the AreaStore. Returns success and, optionally, an error message.
  • from_file(filename): Experimental. Like from_string(), but reads the data from a file.


An InvRef is a reference to an inventory.


  • is_empty(listname): return true if list is empty
  • get_size(listname): get size of a list
  • set_size(listname, size): set size of a list
    • If listname is not known, a new list will be created
    • Setting size to 0 deletes a list
    • returns false on error (e.g. invalid listname or size)
  • get_width(listname): get width of a list
  • set_width(listname, width): set width of list; currently used for crafting
    • returns false on error (e.g. invalid listname or width)
  • get_stack(listname, i): get a copy of stack index i in list
  • set_stack(listname, i, stack): copy stack to index i in list
  • get_list(listname): returns full list (list of ItemStacks) or nil if list doesn't exist (size 0)
  • set_list(listname, list): set full list (size will not change)
  • get_lists(): returns table that maps listnames to inventory lists
  • set_lists(lists): sets inventory lists (size will not change)
  • add_item(listname, stack): add item somewhere in list, returns leftover ItemStack.
  • room_for_item(listname, stack): returns true if the stack of items can be fully added to the list
  • contains_item(listname, stack, [match_meta]): returns true if the stack of items can be fully taken from the list.
    • If match_meta is true, item metadata is also considered when comparing items. Otherwise, only the items names are compared. Default: false
    • The method ignores wear.
  • remove_item(listname, stack, [match_meta]): take as many items as specified from the list, returns the items that were actually removed (as an ItemStack).
    • If match_meta is true (available since feature remove_item_match_meta), item metadata is also considered when comparing items. Otherwise, only the items names are compared. Default: false
    • The method ignores wear.
  • get_location(): returns a location compatible to core.get_inventory(location).
    • returns {type="undefined"} in case location is not known


Detached & nodemeta inventories provide the following callbacks for move actions:


The allow_* callbacks return how many items can be moved.

  • allow_move/allow_metadata_inventory_move: Moving items in the inventory
  • allow_take/allow_metadata_inventory_take: Taking items from the inventory
  • allow_put/allow_metadata_inventory_put: Putting items to the inventory


The on_* callbacks are called after the items have been placed in the inventories.

  • on_move/on_metadata_inventory_move: Moving items in the inventory
  • on_take/on_metadata_inventory_take: Taking items from the inventory
  • on_put/on_metadata_inventory_put: Putting items to the inventory


When a player tries to put an item to a place where another item is, the items are swapped. This means that all callbacks will be called twice (once for each action).


An ItemStack is a stack of items.

It can be created via ItemStack(x), where x is an ItemStack, an itemstring, a table or nil.


  • is_empty(): returns true if stack is empty.
  • get_name(): returns item name (e.g. "default:stone").
  • set_name(item_name): returns a boolean indicating whether the item was cleared.
  • get_count(): Returns number of items on the stack.
  • set_count(count): returns a boolean indicating whether the item was cleared
    • count: number, unsigned 16 bit integer
  • get_wear(): returns tool wear (0-65535), 0 for non-tools.
  • set_wear(wear): returns boolean indicating whether item was cleared
    • wear: number, unsigned 16 bit integer
  • get_meta(): returns ItemStackMetaRef. See section for more details
  • get_metadata(): Deprecated. Returns metadata (a string attached to an item stack).
    • If you need to access this to maintain backwards compatibility, use stack:get_meta():get_string("") instead.
  • set_metadata(metadata): Deprecated. Returns true.
    • If you need to set this to maintain backwards compatibility, use stack:get_meta():set_string("", metadata) instead.
  • get_description(): returns the description shown in inventory list tooltips.
    • The engine uses this when showing item descriptions in tooltips.
    • Fields for finding the description, in order:
      • description in item metadata (See [Item Metadata].)
      • description in item definition
      • item name
  • get_short_description(): returns the short description or nil.
    • Unlike the description, this does not include new lines.
    • Fields for finding the short description, in order:
      • short_description in item metadata (See [Item Metadata].)
      • short_description in item definition
      • first line of the description (From item meta or def, see get_description().)
      • Returns nil if none of the above are set
  • clear(): removes all items from the stack, making it empty.
  • replace(item): replace the contents of this stack.
    • item can also be an itemstring or table.
  • to_string(): returns the stack in itemstring form.
  • to_table(): returns the stack in Lua table form.
  • get_stack_max(): returns the maximum size of the stack (depends on the item).
  • get_free_space(): returns get_stack_max() - get_count().
  • is_known(): returns true if the item name refers to a defined item type.
  • get_definition(): returns the item definition table.
  • get_tool_capabilities(): returns the digging properties of the item, or those of the hand if none are defined for this item type
  • add_wear(amount)
    • Increases wear by amount if the item is a tool, otherwise does nothing
    • Valid amount range is [0,65536]
    • amount: number, integer
  • add_wear_by_uses(max_uses)
    • Increases wear in such a way that, if only this function is called, the item breaks after max_uses times
    • Valid max_uses range is [0,65536]
    • Does nothing if item is not a tool or if max_uses is 0
  • get_wear_bar_params(): returns the wear bar parameters of the item, or nil if none are defined for this item type or in the stack's meta
  • add_item(item): returns leftover ItemStack
    • Put some item or stack onto this stack
  • item_fits(item): returns true if item or stack can be fully added to this one.
  • take_item(n): returns taken ItemStack
    • Take (and remove) up to n items from this stack
    • n: number, default: 1
  • peek_item(n): returns taken ItemStack
    • Copy (don't remove) up to n items from this stack
    • n: number, default: 1
  • equals(other):
    • returns true if this stack is identical to other.
    • Note: stack1:to_string() == stack2:to_string() is not reliable, as stack metadata can be serialized in arbitrary order.
    • Note: if other is an itemstring or table representation of an ItemStack, this will always return false, even if it is "equivalent".


  • stack1 == stack2:
    • Returns whether stack1 and stack2 are identical.
    • Note: stack1:to_string() == stack2:to_string() is not reliable, as stack metadata can be serialized in arbitrary order.
    • Note: if stack2 is an itemstring or table representation of an ItemStack, this will always return false, even if it is "equivalent".


ItemStack metadata: reference extra data and functionality stored in a stack. Can be obtained via item:get_meta().


  • All methods in MetaDataRef
  • set_tool_capabilities([tool_capabilities])
    • Overrides the item's tool capabilities
    • A nil value will clear the override data and restore the original behavior.
  • set_wear_bar_params([wear_bar_params])
    • Overrides the item's wear bar parameters (see "Wear Bar Color" section)
    • A nil value will clear the override data and restore the original behavior.


Base class used by [StorageRef], [NodeMetaRef], [ItemStackMetaRef], and [PlayerMetaRef].

Note: If a metadata value is in the format ${k}, an attempt to get the value will return the value associated with key k. There is a low recursion limit. This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Usage of the ${k} syntax in formspecs is not deprecated.


  • contains(key): Returns true if key present, otherwise false.
    • Returns nil when the MetaData is inexistent.
  • get(key): Returns nil if key not present, else the stored string.
  • set_string(key, value): Value of "" will delete the key.
  • get_string(key): Returns "" if key not present.
  • set_int(key, value)
    • The range for the value is system-dependent (usually 32 bits). The value will be converted into a string when stored.
  • get_int(key): Returns 0 if key not present.
  • set_float(key, value)
    • The range for the value is system-dependent (usually 32 bits). The value will be converted into a string when stored.
  • get_float(key): Returns 0 if key not present.
  • get_keys(): returns a list of all keys in the metadata.
  • to_table():
    • Returns a metadata table (see below) or nil on failure.
  • from_table(data)
    • Imports metadata from a metadata table
    • If data is a metadata table (see below), the metadata it represents will replace all metadata of this MetaDataRef object
    • Any non-table value for data will clear all metadata
    • Item table values the inventory field may also be itemstrings
    • Returns true on success
  • equals(other)
    • returns true if this metadata has the same key-value pairs as other

Metadata tables

Metadata tables represent MetaDataRef in a Lua table form (see from_table/to_table).

A metadata table is a table that has the following keys:

  • fields: key-value storage of metadata fields
    • all values are stored as strings
    • numbers must be converted to strings first
  • inventory (for NodeMetaRef only): A node inventory in table form
    • inventory table keys are inventory list names
    • inventory table values are item tables
    • item table keys are slot IDs (starting with 1)
    • item table values are ItemStacks


metadata_table = {
    -- metadata fields (key/value store)
    fields = {
        infotext = "Container",
        another_key = "Another Value",

    -- inventory data (for nodes)
    inventory = {
        -- inventory list "main" with 4 slots
        main = {
            -- list of all item slots
            [1] = "example:dirt",
            [2] = "example:stone 25",
            [3] = "", -- empty slot
            [4] = "example:pickaxe",
        -- inventory list "hidden" with 1 slot
        hidden = {
            [1] = "example:diamond",


An interface to use mod channels on client and server


  • leave(): leave the mod channel.
    • Server leaves channel channel_name.
    • No more incoming or outgoing messages can be sent to this channel from server mods.
    • This invalidate all future object usage.
    • Ensure you set mod_channel to nil after that to free Lua resources.
  • is_writeable(): returns true if channel is writeable and mod can send over it.
  • send_all(message): Send message though the mod channel.
    • If mod channel is not writeable or invalid, message will be dropped.
    • Message size is limited to 65535 characters by protocol.


Node metadata: reference extra data and functionality stored in a node. Can be obtained via core.get_meta(pos).


  • All methods in MetaDataRef
  • get_inventory(): returns InvRef
  • mark_as_private(name or {name1, name2, ...}): Mark specific vars as private This will prevent them from being sent to the client. Note that the "private" status will only be remembered if an associated key-value pair exists, meaning it's best to call this when initializing all other meta (e.g. on_construct).


Node Timers: a high resolution persistent per-node timer. Can be gotten via core.get_node_timer(pos).


  • set(timeout,elapsed)
    • set a timer's state
    • timeout is in seconds, and supports fractional values (0.1 etc)
    • elapsed is in seconds, and supports fractional values (0.1 etc)
    • will trigger the node's on_timer function after (timeout - elapsed) seconds.
  • start(timeout)
    • start a timer
    • equivalent to set(timeout,0)
  • stop()
    • stops the timer
  • get_timeout(): returns current timeout in seconds
    • if timeout equals 0, timer is inactive
  • get_elapsed(): returns current elapsed time in seconds
    • the node's on_timer function will be called after (timeout - elapsed) seconds.
  • is_started(): returns boolean state of timer
    • returns true if timer is started, otherwise false


Moving things in the game are generally these. This is basically a reference to a C++ ServerActiveObject.

Advice on handling ObjectRefs

When you receive an ObjectRef as a callback argument or from another API function, it is possible to store the reference somewhere and keep it around. It will keep functioning until the object is unloaded or removed.

However, doing this is NOT recommended - ObjectRefs should be "let go" of as soon as control is returned from Lua back to the engine.

Doing so is much less error-prone and you will never need to wonder if the object you are working with still exists.

If this is not feasible, you can test whether an ObjectRef is still valid via object:is_valid().

Getters may be called for invalid objects and will return nothing then. All other methods should not be called on invalid objects.


It is possible to attach objects to other objects (set_attach method).

When an object is attached, it is positioned relative to the parent's position and rotation. get_pos and get_rotation will always return the parent's values and changes via their setter counterparts are ignored.

To change position or rotation call set_attach again with the new values.

Note: Just like model dimensions, the relative position in set_attach must be multiplied by 10 compared to world positions.

It is also possible to attach to a bone of the parent object. In that case the child will follow movement and rotation of that bone.


  • is_valid(): returns whether the object is valid.
  • See "Advice on handling ObjectRefs" above.
  • get_pos(): returns position as vector {x=num, y=num, z=num}
  • set_pos(pos):
    • Sets the position of the object.
    • No-op if object is attached.
    • pos is a vector {x=num, y=num, z=num}
  • add_pos(pos):
    • Changes position by adding to the current position.
    • No-op if object is attached.
    • pos is a vector {x=num, y=num, z=num}.
    • In comparison to using set_pos, add_pos will avoid synchronization problems.
  • get_velocity(): returns the velocity, a vector.
  • add_velocity(vel)
    • Changes velocity by adding to the current velocity.
    • vel is a vector, e.g. {x=0.0, y=2.3, z=1.0}
    • In comparison to using get_velocity, adding the velocity and then using set_velocity, add_velocity is supposed to avoid synchronization problems. Additionally, players also do not support set_velocity.
    • If object is a player:
      • Does not apply during free_move.
      • Note that since the player speed is normalized at each move step, increasing e.g. Y velocity beyond what would usually be achieved (see: physics overrides) will cause existing X/Z velocity to be reduced.
      • Example: add_velocity({x=0, y=6.5, z=0}) is equivalent to pressing the jump key (assuming default settings)
  • move_to(pos, continuous=false)
    • Does an interpolated move for Lua entities for visually smooth transitions.
    • If continuous is true, the Lua entity will not be moved to the current position before starting the interpolated move.
    • For players this does the same as set_pos,continuous is ignored.
    • no-op if object is attached
  • punch(puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir)
    • punches the object, triggering all consequences a normal punch would have
    • puncher: another ObjectRef which punched the object or nil
    • dir: direction vector of punch
    • Other arguments: See on_punch for entities
    • Arguments time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, and dir will be replaced with a default value when the caller sets them to nil.
  • right_click(clicker):
    • simulates using the 'place/use' key on the object
    • triggers all consequences as if a real player had done this
    • clicker is another ObjectRef which has clicked
    • note: this is called right_click for historical reasons only
  • get_hp(): returns number of health points
  • set_hp(hp, reason): set number of health points
    • See reason in register_on_player_hpchange
    • Is limited to the range of 0 ... 65535 (2^16 - 1)
    • For players: HP are also limited by hp_max specified in object properties
  • get_inventory(): returns an InvRef for players, otherwise returns nil
  • get_wield_list(): returns the name of the inventory list the wielded item is in.
  • get_wield_index(): returns the wield list index of the wielded item (starting with 1)
  • get_wielded_item(): returns a copy of the wielded item as an ItemStack
  • set_wielded_item(item): replaces the wielded item, returns true if successful.
  • get_armor_groups():
    • returns a table with all of the object's armor group ratings
    • syntax: the table keys are the armor group names, the table values are the corresponding group ratings
    • see section 'ObjectRef armor groups' for details
  • set_armor_groups({group1=rating, group2=rating, ...})
    • sets the object's full list of armor groups
    • same table syntax as for get_armor_groups
    • note: all armor groups not in the table will be removed
  • set_animation(frame_range, frame_speed, frame_blend, frame_loop)
    • Sets the object animation parameters and (re)starts the animation
    • Animations only work with a "mesh" visual
    • frame_range: Beginning and end frame (as specified in the mesh file).
    • Syntax: {x=start_frame, y=end_frame}
    • Animation interpolates towards the end frame but stops when it is reached
    • If looped, there is no interpolation back to the start frame
    • If looped, the model should look identical at start and end
    • default: {x=1.0, y=1.0}
    • frame_speed: How fast the animation plays, in frames per second (number)
    • default: 15.0
    • frame_blend: number, default: 0.0
    • frame_loop: If true, animation will loop. If false, it will play once
    • default: true
  • get_animation(): returns current animation parameters set by set_animation:
    • frame_range, frame_speed, frame_blend, frame_loop.
  • set_animation_frame_speed(frame_speed)
    • Sets the frame speed of the object's animation
    • Unlike set_animation, this will not restart the animation
    • frame_speed: See set_animation
  • set_attach(parent[, bone, position, rotation, forced_visible])
    • Attaches object to parent
    • See 'Attachments' section for details
    • parent: ObjectRef to attach to
    • bone: Bone to attach to. Default is "" (the root bone)
    • position: relative position, default {x=0, y=0, z=0}
    • rotation: relative rotation in degrees, default {x=0, y=0, z=0}
    • forced_visible: Boolean to control whether the attached entity should appear in first person, default false.
    • This command may fail silently (do nothing) when it would result in circular attachments.
  • get_attach():
    • returns current attachment parameters or nil if it isn't attached
    • If attached, returns parent, bone, position, rotation, forced_visible
  • get_children(): returns a list of ObjectRefs that are attached to the object.
  • set_detach(): Detaches object. No-op if object was not attached.
  • set_bone_position([bone, position, rotation])
    • Sets absolute bone overrides, e.g. it is equivalent to
      obj:set_bone_override(bone, {
          position = {vec = position, absolute = true},
          rotation = {vec = rotation:apply(math.rad), absolute = true}
    • Note: Rotation is in degrees, not radians.
    • Deprecated: Use set_bone_override instead.
  • get_bone_position(bone): returns the previously set position and rotation of the bone
    • Shorthand for get_bone_override(bone).position.vec, get_bone_override(bone).rotation.vec:apply(math.deg).
    • Note: Returned rotation is in degrees, not radians.
    • Deprecated: Use get_bone_override instead.
  • set_bone_override(bone, override)
    • bone: string
    • override: { position = property, rotation = property, scale = property } or nil
    • override = nil (including omission) is shorthand for override = {} which clears the override
    • Each property is a table of the form { vec = vector, interpolation = 0, absolute = false } or nil
      • vec is in the same coordinate system as the model, and in radians for rotation. It defaults to for translation and rotation and, 1, 1) for scale.
      • interpolation: The old and new overrides are interpolated over this timeframe (in seconds).
      • absolute: If set to false (which is the default), the override will be relative to the animated property:
        • Translation in the case of position;
        • Composition in the case of rotation;
        • Per-axis multiplication in the case of scale
    • property = nil is equivalent to no override on that property
    • Note: Unlike set_bone_position, the rotation is in radians, not degrees.
    • Compatibility note: Clients prior to 5.9.0 only support absolute position and rotation. All values are treated as absolute and are set immediately (no interpolation).
  • get_bone_override(bone): returns override in the above format
    • Note: Unlike get_bone_position, the returned rotation is in radians, not degrees.
  • get_bone_overrides(): returns all bone overrides as table {[bonename] = override, ...}
  • set_properties(object property table)
  • get_properties(): returns a table of all object properties
  • set_observers(observers): sets observers (players this object is sent to)
    • If observers is nil, the object's observers are "unmanaged": The object is sent to all players as governed by server settings. This is the default.
    • observers is a "set" of player names: {name1 = true, name2 = true, ...}
      • A set is a table where the keys are the elements of the set (in this case, valid player names) and the values are all true.
    • Attachments: The effective observers of an object are made up of all players who can observe the object and are also effective observers of its parent object (if there is one).
    • Players are automatically added to their own observer sets. Players must effectively observe themselves.
    • Object activation and deactivation are unaffected by observability.
    • Attached sounds do not work correctly and thus should not be used on objects with managed observers yet.
  • get_observers():
    • throws an error if the object is invalid
    • returns nil if the observers are unmanaged
    • returns a table with all observer names as keys and true values (a "set") otherwise
  • get_effective_observers():
    • Like get_observers(), but returns the "effective" observers, taking into account attachments
    • Time complexity: O(nm)
      • n: number of observers of the involved entities
      • m: number of ancestors along the attachment chain
  • is_player(): returns true for players, false otherwise
  • get_nametag_attributes()
    • returns a table with the attributes of the nametag of an object
    • a nametag is a HUD text rendered above the object
    • lua { text = "", color = {a=0..255, r=0..255, g=0..255, b=0..255}, bgcolor = {a=0..255, r=0..255, g=0..255, b=0..255}, }
  • set_nametag_attributes(attributes)
    • sets the attributes of the nametag of an object
    • attributes:
          text = "My Nametag",
          color = ColorSpec,
          -- ^ Text color
          bgcolor = ColorSpec or false,
          -- ^ Sets background color of nametag
          -- `false` will cause the background to be set automatically based on user settings
          -- Default: false

Lua entity only (no-op for other objects)

  • remove(): remove object
    • The object is removed after returning from Lua. However the ObjectRef itself instantly becomes unusable with all further method calls having no effect and returning nil.
  • set_velocity(vel)
    • Sets the velocity
    • vel is a vector, e.g. {x=0.0, y=2.3, z=1.0}
  • set_acceleration(acc)
    • Sets the acceleration
    • acc is a vector
  • get_acceleration(): returns the acceleration, a vector
  • set_rotation(rot)
    • Sets the rotation
    • rot is a vector (radians). X is pitch (elevation), Y is yaw (heading) and Z is roll (bank).
    • Does not reset rotation incurred through automatic_rotate. Remove & re-add your objects to force a certain rotation.
  • get_rotation(): returns the rotation, a vector (radians)
  • set_yaw(yaw): sets the yaw in radians (heading).
  • get_yaw(): returns number in radians
  • set_texture_mod(mod)
    • Set a texture modifier to the base texture, for sprites and meshes.
    • When calling set_texture_mod again, the previous one is discarded.
    • mod the texture modifier. See [Texture modifiers].
  • get_texture_mod() returns current texture modifier
  • set_sprite(start_frame, num_frames, framelength, select_x_by_camera)
    • Specifies and starts a sprite animation
    • Only used by sprite and upright_sprite visuals
    • Animations iterate along the frame y position.
    • start_frame: {x=column number, y=row number}, the coordinate of the first frame, default: {x=0, y=0}
    • num_frames: Total frames in the texture, default: 1
    • framelength: Time per animated frame in seconds, default: 0.2
    • select_x_by_camera: Only for visual = sprite. Changes the frame x position according to the view direction. default: false.
      • First column: subject facing the camera
      • Second column: subject looking to the left
      • Third column: subject backing the camera
      • Fourth column: subject looking to the right
      • Fifth column: subject viewed from above
      • Sixth column: subject viewed from below
  • get_luaentity():
    • Returns the object's associated luaentity table, if there is one
    • Otherwise returns nil (e.g. for players)
  • get_entity_name():
    • Deprecated: Will be removed in a future version, use :get_luaentity().name instead.

Player only (no-op for other objects)

  • get_player_name(): Returns player name or "" if is not a player
  • get_player_velocity(): DEPRECATED, use get_velocity() instead. table {x, y, z} representing the player's instantaneous velocity in nodes/s
  • add_player_velocity(vel): DEPRECATED, use add_velocity(vel) instead.
  • get_look_dir(): get camera direction as a unit vector
  • get_look_vertical(): pitch in radians
    • Angle ranges between -pi/2 and pi/2, which are straight up and down respectively.
  • get_look_horizontal(): yaw in radians
    • Angle is counter-clockwise from the +z direction.
  • set_look_vertical(radians): sets look pitch
    • radians: Angle from looking forward, where positive is downwards.
  • set_look_horizontal(radians): sets look yaw
    • radians: Angle from the +z direction, where positive is counter-clockwise.
  • get_look_pitch(): pitch in radians - Deprecated as broken. Use get_look_vertical.
    • Angle ranges between -pi/2 and pi/2, which are straight down and up respectively.
  • get_look_yaw(): yaw in radians - Deprecated as broken. Use get_look_horizontal.
    • Angle is counter-clockwise from the +x direction.
  • set_look_pitch(radians): sets look pitch - Deprecated. Use set_look_vertical.
  • set_look_yaw(radians): sets look yaw - Deprecated. Use set_look_horizontal.
  • get_breath(): returns player's breath
  • set_breath(value): sets player's breath
    • values:
      • 0: player is drowning
      • max: bubbles bar is not shown
      • See [Object properties] for more information
    • Is limited to range 0 ... 65535 (2^16 - 1)
  • set_fov(fov, is_multiplier, transition_time): Sets player's FOV
    • fov: Field of View (FOV) value.
    • is_multiplier: Set to true if the FOV value is a multiplier. Defaults to false.
    • transition_time: If defined, enables smooth FOV transition. Interpreted as the time (in seconds) to reach target FOV. If set to 0, FOV change is instantaneous. Defaults to 0.
    • Set fov to 0 to clear FOV override.
  • get_fov(): Returns the following:
    • Server-sent FOV value. Returns 0 if an FOV override doesn't exist.
    • Boolean indicating whether the FOV value is a multiplier.
    • Time (in seconds) taken for the FOV transition. Set by set_fov.
  • set_attribute(attribute, value): DEPRECATED, use get_meta() instead
    • Sets an extra attribute with value on player.
    • value must be a string, or a number which will be converted to a string.
    • If value is nil, remove attribute from player.
  • get_attribute(attribute): DEPRECATED, use get_meta() instead
    • Returns value (a string) for extra attribute.
    • Returns nil if no attribute found.
  • get_meta(): Returns metadata associated with the player (a PlayerMetaRef).
  • set_inventory_formspec(formspec)
    • Redefine player's inventory form
    • Should usually be called in on_joinplayer
    • If formspec is "", the player's inventory is disabled.
  • get_inventory_formspec(): returns a formspec string
  • set_formspec_prepend(formspec):
    • the formspec string will be added to every formspec shown to the user, except for those with a no_prepend[] tag.
    • This should be used to set style elements such as background[] and bgcolor[], any non-style elements (eg: label) may result in weird behavior.
    • Only affects formspecs shown after this is called.
  • get_formspec_prepend(): returns a formspec string.
  • get_player_control(): returns table with player input
    • The table contains the following boolean fields representing the pressed keys: up, down, left, right, jump, aux1, sneak, dig, place, LMB, RMB and zoom.
    • The fields LMB and RMB are equal to dig and place respectively, and exist only to preserve backwards compatibility.
    • The table also contains the fields movement_x and movement_y.
      • They represent the movement of the player. Values are numbers in the range [-1.0,+1.0].
      • They take both keyboard and joystick input into account.
      • You should prefer them over up, down, left and right to support different input methods correctly.
    • Returns an empty table {} if the object is not a player.
  • get_player_control_bits(): returns integer with bit packed player pressed keys.
    • Bits:
      • 0 - up
      • 1 - down
      • 2 - left
      • 3 - right
      • 4 - jump
      • 5 - aux1
      • 6 - sneak
      • 7 - dig
      • 8 - place
      • 9 - zoom
    • Returns 0 (no bits set) if the object is not a player.
  • set_physics_override(override_table)

    • Overrides the physics attributes of the player
    • override_table is a table with the following fields:
      • speed: multiplier to all movement speed (speed_*) and acceleration (acceleration_*) values (default: 1)
      • speed_walk: multiplier to default walk speed value (default: 1)
        • Note: The actual walk speed is the product of speed and speed_walk
      • speed_climb: multiplier to default climb speed value (default: 1)
        • Note: The actual climb speed is the product of speed and speed_climb
      • speed_crouch: multiplier to default sneak speed value (default: 1)
        • Note: The actual sneak speed is the product of speed and speed_crouch
      • speed_fast: multiplier to default speed value in Fast Mode (default: 1)
        • Note: The actual fast speed is the product of speed and speed_fast
      • jump: multiplier to default jump value (default: 1)
      • gravity: multiplier to default gravity value (default: 1)
      • liquid_fluidity: multiplier to liquid movement resistance value (for nodes with liquid_move_physics); the higher this value, the lower the resistance to movement. At math.huge, the resistance is zero and you can move through any liquid like air. (default: 1)
        • Warning: Values below 1 are currently unsupported.
      • liquid_fluidity_smooth: multiplier to default maximum liquid resistance value (for nodes with liquid_move_physics); controls deceleration when entering node at high speed. At higher values you come to a halt more quickly (default: 1)
      • liquid_sink: multiplier to default liquid sinking speed value; (for nodes with liquid_move_physics) (default: 1)
      • acceleration_default: multiplier to horizontal and vertical acceleration on ground or when climbing (default: 1)
        • Note: The actual acceleration is the product of speed and acceleration_default
      • acceleration_air: multiplier to acceleration when jumping or falling (default: 1)
        • Note: The actual acceleration is the product of speed and acceleration_air
      • acceleration_fast: multiplier to acceleration in Fast Mode (default: 1)
        • Note: The actual acceleration is the product of speed and acceleration_fast
      • sneak: whether player can sneak (default: true)
      • sneak_glitch: whether player can use the new move code replications of the old sneak side-effects: sneak ladders and 2 node sneak jump (default: false)
      • new_move: use new move/sneak code. When false the exact old code is used for the specific old sneak behavior (default: true)
    • Note: All numeric fields above modify a corresponding movement_* setting.
    • For games, we recommend for simpler code to first modify the movement_* settings (e.g. via the game's minetest.conf) to set a global base value for all players and only use set_physics_override when you need to change from the base value on a per-player basis
    • Note: Some of the fields don't exist in old API versions, see feature physics_overrides_v2.
  • get_physics_override(): returns the table given to set_physics_override

  • hud_add(hud definition): add a HUD element described by HUD def, returns ID number on success
  • hud_remove(id): remove the HUD element of the specified id
  • hud_change(id, stat, value): change a value of a previously added HUD element.
    • stat supports the same keys as in the hud definition table except for "type" (or the deprecated "hud_elem_type").
  • hud_get(id): gets the HUD element definition structure of the specified ID
  • hud_get_all():
    • Returns a table in the form { [id] = HUD definition, [id] = ... }.
    • A mod should keep track of its introduced IDs and only use this to access foreign elements.
    • It is discouraged to change foreign HUD elements.
  • hud_set_flags(flags): sets specified HUD flags of player.
    • flags: A table with the following fields set to boolean values
      • hotbar
      • healthbar
      • crosshair
      • wielditem
      • breathbar
      • minimap: Modifies the client's permission to view the minimap. The client may locally elect to not view the minimap.
      • minimap_radar: is only usable when minimap is true
      • basic_debug: Allow showing basic debug info that might give a gameplay advantage. This includes map seed, player position, look direction, the pointed node and block bounds. Does not affect players with the debug privilege.
      • chat: Modifies the client's permission to view chat on the HUD. The client may locally elect to not view chat. Does not affect the console.
    • If a flag equals nil, the flag is not modified
  • hud_get_flags(): returns a table of player HUD flags with boolean values.
    • See hud_set_flags for a list of flags that can be toggled.
  • hud_set_hotbar_itemcount(count): sets number of items in builtin hotbar
    • count: number of items, must be between 1 and 32
    • If count exceeds the "main" list size, the list size will be used instead.
  • hud_get_hotbar_itemcount(): returns number of visible items
    • This value is also clamped by the "main" list size.
  • hud_set_hotbar_image(texturename)
    • sets background image for hotbar
  • hud_get_hotbar_image(): returns texturename
  • hud_set_hotbar_selected_image(texturename)
    • sets image for selected item of hotbar
  • hud_get_hotbar_selected_image(): returns texturename
  • set_minimap_modes({mode, mode, ...}, selected_mode)
    • Overrides the available minimap modes (and toggle order), and changes the selected mode.
    • mode is a table consisting of up to four fields:
      • type: Available type:
        • off: Minimap off
        • surface: Minimap in surface mode
        • radar: Minimap in radar mode
        • texture: Texture to be displayed instead of terrain map (texture is centered around 0,0 and can be scaled). Texture size is limited to 512 x 512 pixel.
      • label: Optional label to display on minimap mode toggle The translation must be handled within the mod.
      • size: Sidelength or diameter, in number of nodes, of the terrain displayed in minimap
      • texture: Only for texture type, name of the texture to display
      • scale: Only for texture type, scale of the texture map in nodes per pixel (for example a scale of 2 means each pixel represents a 2x2 nodes square)
    • selected_mode is the mode index to be selected after modes have been changed (0 is the first mode).
  • set_sky(sky_parameters)
    • The presence of the function set_sun, set_moon or set_stars indicates whether set_sky accepts this format. Check the legacy format otherwise.
    • Passing no arguments resets the sky to its default values.
    • sky_parameters is a table with the following optional fields:
      • base_color: ColorSpec, meaning depends on type (default: #ffffff)
      • body_orbit_tilt: Float, rotation angle of sun/moon orbit in degrees. By default, orbit is controlled by a client-side setting, and this field is not set. After a value is assigned, it can only be changed to another float value. Valid range [-60.0,60.0] (default: not set)
      • type: Available types:
        • "regular": Uses 0 textures, base_color ignored
        • "skybox": Uses 6 textures, base_color used as fog.
        • "plain": Uses 0 textures, base_color used as both fog and sky. (default: "regular")
      • textures: A table containing up to six textures in the following order: Y+ (top), Y- (bottom), X+ (east), X- (west), Z- (south), Z+ (north). The top and bottom textures are oriented in-line with the east (X+) face (the top edge of the bottom texture and the bottom edge of the top texture touch the east face). Some top and bottom textures expect to be aligned with the north face and will need to be rotated by -90 and 90 degrees, respectively, to fit the eastward orientation.
      • clouds: Boolean for whether clouds appear. (default: true)
      • sky_color: A table used in "regular" type only, containing the following values (alpha is ignored):
        • day_sky: ColorSpec, for the top half of the sky during the day. (default: #61b5f5)
        • day_horizon: ColorSpec, for the bottom half of the sky during the day. (default: #90d3f6)
        • dawn_sky: ColorSpec, for the top half of the sky during dawn/sunset. (default: #b4bafa) The resulting sky color will be a darkened version of the ColorSpec. Warning: The darkening of the ColorSpec is subject to change.
        • dawn_horizon: ColorSpec, for the bottom half of the sky during dawn/sunset. (default: #bac1f0) The resulting sky color will be a darkened version of the ColorSpec. Warning: The darkening of the ColorSpec is subject to change.
        • night_sky: ColorSpec, for the top half of the sky during the night. (default: #006bff) The resulting sky color will be a dark version of the ColorSpec. Warning: The darkening of the ColorSpec is subject to change.
        • night_horizon: ColorSpec, for the bottom half of the sky during the night. (default: #4090ff) The resulting sky color will be a dark version of the ColorSpec. Warning: The darkening of the ColorSpec is subject to change.
        • indoors: ColorSpec, for when you're either indoors or underground. (default: #646464)
        • fog_sun_tint: ColorSpec, changes the fog tinting for the sun at sunrise and sunset. (default: #f47d1d)
        • fog_moon_tint: ColorSpec, changes the fog tinting for the moon at sunrise and sunset. (default: #7f99cc)
        • fog_tint_type: string, changes which mode the directional fog abides by, "custom" uses sun_tint and moon_tint, while "default" uses the classic Luanti sun and moon tinting. Will use tonemaps, if set to "default". (default: "default")
      • fog: A table with following optional fields:
        • fog_distance: integer, set an upper bound for the client's viewing_range. Any value >= 0 sets the desired upper bound for viewing_range, disables range_all and prevents disabling fog (F3 key by default). Any value < 0 resets the behavior to being client-controlled. (default: -1)
        • fog_start: float, override the client's fog_start. Fraction of the visible distance at which fog starts to be rendered. Any value between [0.0, 0.99] set the fog_start as a fraction of the viewing_range. Any value < 0, resets the behavior to being client-controlled. (default: -1)
        • fog_color: ColorSpec, override the color of the fog. Unlike base_color above this will apply regardless of the skybox type. (default: "#00000000", which means no override)
  • set_sky(base_color, type, {texture names}, clouds)
    • Deprecated. Use set_sky(sky_parameters)
    • base_color: ColorSpec, defaults to white
    • type: Available types:
      • "regular": Uses 0 textures, bgcolor ignored
      • "skybox": Uses 6 textures, bgcolor used
      • "plain": Uses 0 textures, bgcolor used
    • clouds: Boolean for whether clouds appear in front of "skybox" or "plain" custom skyboxes (default: true)
  • get_sky(as_table):
    • as_table: boolean that determines whether the deprecated version of this function is being used.
      • true returns a table containing sky parameters as defined in set_sky(sky_parameters).
      • Deprecated: false or nil returns base_color, type, table of textures, clouds.
  • get_sky_color():
    • Deprecated: Use get_sky(as_table) instead.
    • returns a table with the sky_color parameters as in set_sky.
  • set_sun(sun_parameters):
    • Passing no arguments resets the sun to its default values.
    • sun_parameters is a table with the following optional fields:
      • visible: Boolean for whether the sun is visible. (default: true)
      • texture: A regular texture for the sun. Setting to "" will re-enable the mesh sun. (default: "sun.png", if it exists) The texture appears non-rotated at sunrise and rotated 180 degrees (upside down) at sunset.
      • tonemap: A 512x1 texture containing the tonemap for the sun (default: "sun_tonemap.png")
      • sunrise: A regular texture for the sunrise texture. (default: "sunrisebg.png")
      • sunrise_visible: Boolean for whether the sunrise texture is visible. (default: true)
      • scale: Float controlling the overall size of the sun. (default: 1) Note: For legacy reasons, the sun is bigger than the moon by a factor of about 1.57 for equal scale values.
  • get_sun(): returns a table with the current sun parameters as in set_sun.
  • set_moon(moon_parameters):
    • Passing no arguments resets the moon to its default values.
    • moon_parameters is a table with the following optional fields:
      • visible: Boolean for whether the moon is visible. (default: true)
      • texture: A regular texture for the moon. Setting to "" will re-enable the mesh moon. (default: "moon.png", if it exists) The texture appears non-rotated at sunrise / moonset and rotated 180 degrees (upside down) at sunset / moonrise. Note: Relative to the sun, the moon texture is hence rotated by 180°. You can use the ^[transformR180 texture modifier to achieve the same orientation.
      • tonemap: A 512x1 texture containing the tonemap for the moon (default: "moon_tonemap.png")
      • scale: Float controlling the overall size of the moon (default: 1) Note: For legacy reasons, the sun is bigger than the moon by a factor of about 1.57 for equal scale values.
  • get_moon(): returns a table with the current moon parameters as in set_moon.
  • set_stars(star_parameters):
    • Passing no arguments resets stars to their default values.
    • star_parameters is a table with the following optional fields:
      • visible: Boolean for whether the stars are visible. (default: true)
      • day_opacity: Float for maximum opacity of stars at day. No effect if visible is false. (default: 0.0; maximum: 1.0; minimum: 0.0)
      • count: Integer number to set the number of stars in the skybox. Only applies to "skybox" and "regular" sky types. (default: 1000)
      • star_color: ColorSpec, sets the colors of the stars, alpha channel is used to set overall star brightness. (default: #ebebff69)
      • scale: Float controlling the overall size of the stars (default: 1)
  • get_stars(): returns a table with the current stars parameters as in set_stars.
  • set_clouds(cloud_parameters): set cloud parameters
    • Passing no arguments resets clouds to their default values.
    • cloud_parameters is a table with the following optional fields:
      • density: from 0 (no clouds) to 1 (full clouds) (default 0.4)
      • color: basic cloud color with alpha channel, ColorSpec (default #fff0f0e5).
      • ambient: cloud color lower bound, use for a "glow at night" effect. ColorSpec (alpha ignored, default #000000)
      • height: cloud height, i.e. y of cloud base (default per conf, usually 120)
      • thickness: cloud thickness in nodes (default 16). if set to zero the clouds are rendered flat.
      • speed: 2D cloud speed + direction in nodes per second (default {x=0, z=-2}).
      • shadow: shadow color, applied to the base of the cloud (default #cccccc).
  • get_clouds(): returns a table with the current cloud parameters as in set_clouds.
  • override_day_night_ratio(ratio or nil)
    • 0...1: Overrides day-night ratio, controlling sunlight to a specific amount.
    • Passing no arguments disables override, defaulting to sunlight based on day-night cycle
    • See also core.time_to_day_night_ratio,
  • get_day_night_ratio(): returns the ratio or nil if it isn't overridden
  • set_local_animation(idle, walk, dig, walk_while_dig, frame_speed): set animation for player model in third person view.
    • Every animation equals to a {x=starting frame, y=ending frame} table.
    • frame_speed sets the animations frame speed. Default is 30.
  • get_local_animation(): returns idle, walk, dig, walk_while_dig tables and frame_speed.
  • set_eye_offset([firstperson, thirdperson_back, thirdperson_front]): Sets camera offset vectors.
    • firstperson: Offset in first person view. Defaults to if unspecified.
    • thirdperson_back: Offset in third person back view. Clamped between, -10, -5) and, 15, 5). Defaults to if unspecified.
    • thirdperson_front: Offset in third person front view. Same limits as for thirdperson_back apply. Defaults to thirdperson_back if unspecified.
  • get_eye_offset(): Returns camera offset vectors as set via set_eye_offset.
  • set_camera(params): Sets camera parameters.
    • mode: Defines the camera mode used
    • any: free choice between all modes (default)
    • first: first-person camera
    • third: third-person camera
    • third_front: third-person camera, looking opposite of movement direction
    • Supported by client since 5.12.0.
  • get_camera(): Returns the camera parameters as a table as above.
  • send_mapblock(blockpos):
    • Sends an already loaded mapblock to the player.
    • Returns false if nothing was sent (note that this can also mean that the client already has the block)
    • Resource intensive - use sparsely
  • set_lighting(light_definition): sets lighting for the player

    • Passing no arguments resets lighting to its default values.
    • light_definition is a table with the following optional fields:
    • saturation sets the saturation (vividness; default: 1.0).
      • It is applied according to the function result = b*(1-s) + c*s, where:
      • c is the original color
      • b is the greyscale version of the color with the same luma
      • s is the saturation set here
      • The resulting color always has the same luma (perceived brightness) as the original.
      • This means that:
      • values > 1 oversaturate
      • values < 1 down to 0 desaturate, 0 being entirely greyscale
      • values < 0 cause an effect similar to inversion, but keeping original luma and being symmetrical in terms of saturation (eg. -1 and 1 is the same saturation and luma, but different hues)
      • This value has no effect on clients who have shaders or post-processing disabled.
    • shadows is a table that controls ambient shadows
      • This has no effect on clients who have the "Dynamic Shadows" effect disabled.
      • intensity sets the intensity of the shadows from 0 (no shadows, default) to 1 (blackness)
      • tint tints the shadows with the provided color, with RGB values ranging from 0 to 255. (default {r=0, g=0, b=0})
    • exposure is a table that controls automatic exposure. The basic exposure factor equation is e = 2^exposure_correction / clamp(luminance, 2^luminance_min, 2^luminance_max)
      • This has no effect on clients who have the "Automatic Exposure" effect disabled.
      • luminance_min set the lower luminance boundary to use in the calculation (default: -3.0)
      • luminance_max set the upper luminance boundary to use in the calculation (default: -3.0)
      • exposure_correction correct observed exposure by the given EV value (default: 0.0)
      • speed_dark_bright set the speed of adapting to bright light (default: 1000.0)
      • speed_bright_dark set the speed of adapting to dark scene (default: 1000.0)
      • center_weight_power set the power factor for center-weighted luminance measurement (default: 1.0)
    • bloom is a table that controls bloom.
      • This has no effect on clients with protocol version < 46 or clients who have the "Bloom" effect disabled.
      • intensity defines much bloom is applied to the rendered image.
      • Recommended range: from 0.0 to 1.0, default: 0.05
      • If set to 0, bloom is disabled.
      • The default value is to be changed from 0.05 to 0 in the future. If you wish to keep the current default value, you should set it explicitly.
      • strength_factor defines the magnitude of bloom overexposure.
      • Recommended range: from 0.1 to 10.0, default: 1.0
      • radius is a logical value that controls how far the bloom effect spreads from the bright objects.
      • Recommended range: from 0.1 to 8.0, default: 1.0
      • The behavior of values outside the recommended range is unspecified.
    • volumetric_light: is a table that controls volumetric light (a.k.a. "godrays")
      • This has no effect on clients who have the "Volumetric Lighting" or "Bloom" effects disabled.
      • strength: sets the strength of the volumetric light effect from 0 (off, default) to 1 (strongest).
        • 0.2 is a reasonable standard value.
        • Currently, bloom intensity and strength_factor affect volumetric lighting strength and vice versa. This behavior is to be changed in the future, do not rely on it.
  • get_lighting(): returns the current state of lighting for the player.

    • Result is a table with the same fields as light_definition in set_lighting.
  • respawn(): Respawns the player using the same mechanism as the death screen, including calling on_respawnplayer callbacks.
  • get_flags(): returns a table of player flags (the following boolean fields):
  • breathing: Whether breathing (regaining air) is enabled, default true.
  • drowning: Whether drowning (losing air) is enabled, default true.
  • node_damage: Whether the player takes damage from nodes, default true.
  • set_flags(flags): sets flags
  • takes a table in the same format as returned by get_flags
  • absent fields are left unchanged


A 32-bit pseudorandom number generator. Uses PCG32, an algorithm of the permuted congruential generator family, offering very strong randomness.

  • constructor PcgRandom(seed, [seq])
  • seed: 64-bit unsigned seed
  • seq: 64-bit unsigned sequence, optional


  • next(): return next integer random number [-2147483648...2147483647]
  • next(min, max): return next integer random number [min...max]
  • rand_normal_dist(min, max, num_trials=6): return normally distributed random number [min...max].
    • This is only a rough approximation of a normal distribution with:
    • mean = (max - min) / 2, and
    • variance = (((max - min + 1) ^ 2) - 1) / (12 * num_trials)
    • Increasing num_trials improves accuracy of the approximation
  • get_state(): return generator state encoded in string
  • set_state(state_string): restore generator state from encoded string


A perlin noise generator. It can be created via PerlinNoise() or core.get_perlin(). For core.get_perlin(), the actual seed used is the noiseparams seed plus the world seed, to create world-specific noise.

PerlinNoise(noiseparams) PerlinNoise(seed, octaves, persistence, spread) (Deprecated).

core.get_perlin(noiseparams) core.get_perlin(seeddiff, octaves, persistence, spread) (Deprecated).


  • get_2d(pos): returns 2D noise value at pos={x=,y=}
  • get_3d(pos): returns 3D noise value at pos={x=,y=,z=}


A fast, bulk perlin noise generator.

It can be created via PerlinNoiseMap(noiseparams, size) or core.get_perlin_map(noiseparams, size). For core.get_perlin_map(), the actual seed used is the noiseparams seed plus the world seed, to create world-specific noise.

Format of size is {x=dimx, y=dimy, z=dimz}. The z component is omitted for 2D noise, and it must be larger than 1 for 3D noise (otherwise nil is returned).

For each of the functions with an optional buffer parameter: If buffer is not nil, this table will be used to store the result instead of creating a new table.


  • get_2d_map(pos): returns a <size.x> times <size.y> 2D array of 2D noise with values starting at pos={x=,y=}
  • get_3d_map(pos): returns a <size.x> times <size.y> times <size.z> 3D array of 3D noise with values starting at pos={x=,y=,z=}.
  • get_2d_map_flat(pos, buffer): returns a flat <size.x * size.y> element array of 2D noise with values starting at pos={x=,y=}
  • get_3d_map_flat(pos, buffer): Same as get2dMap_flat, but 3D noise
  • calc_2d_map(pos): Calculates the 2d noise map starting at pos. The result is stored internally.
  • calc_3d_map(pos): Calculates the 3d noise map starting at pos. The result is stored internally.
  • get_map_slice(slice_offset, slice_size, buffer): In the form of an array, returns a slice of the most recently computed noise results. The result slice begins at coordinates slice_offset and takes a chunk of slice_size. E.g. to grab a 2-slice high horizontal 2d plane of noise starting at buffer offset y = 20: noisevals = noise:get_map_slice({y=20}, {y=2}) It is important to note that slice_offset offset coordinates begin at 1, and are relative to the starting position of the most recently calculated noise. To grab a single vertical column of noise starting at map coordinates x = 1023, y=1000, z = 1000: noise:calc_3d_map({x=1000, y=1000, z=1000}) noisevals = noise:get_map_slice({x=24, z=1}, {x=1, z=1})


Player metadata. Uses the same method of storage as the deprecated player attribute API, so data there will also be in player meta. Can be obtained using player:get_meta().


  • All methods in MetaDataRef


A 16-bit pseudorandom number generator. Uses a well-known LCG algorithm introduced by K&R.

Note: PseudoRandom is slower and has worse random distribution than PcgRandom. Use PseudoRandom only if you need output to match the well-known LCG algorithm introduced by K&R. Otherwise, use PcgRandom.

  • constructor PseudoRandom(seed)
  • seed: 32-bit signed number


  • next(): return next integer random number [0...32767]
  • next(min, max): return next integer random number [min...max]
    • Either max - min == 32767 or max - min <= 6553 must be true due to the simple implementation making a bad distribution otherwise.
  • get_state(): return state of pseudorandom generator as number
    • use returned number as seed in PseudoRandom constructor to restore


A raycast on the map. It works with selection boxes. Can be used as an iterator in a for loop as:

local ray = Raycast(...)
for pointed_thing in ray do

The map is loaded as the ray advances. If the map is modified after the Raycast is created, the changes may or may not have an effect on the object.

It can be created via Raycast(pos1, pos2, objects, liquids) or core.raycast(pos1, pos2, objects, liquids) where:

  • pos1: start of the ray
  • pos2: end of the ray
  • objects: if false, only nodes will be returned. Default is true.
  • liquids: if false, liquid nodes (liquidtype ~= "none") won't be returned. Default is false.


Raycasts don't always work properly for attached objects as the server has no knowledge of models & bones.

Rotated selectionboxes paired with automatic_rotate are not reliable either since the server can't reliably know the total rotation of the objects on different clients (which may differ on a per-client basis). The server calculates the total rotation incurred through automatic_rotate as a "best guess" assuming the object was active & rotating on the client all the time since its creation. This may be significantly out of sync with what clients see. Additionally, network latency and delayed property sending may create a mismatch of client- & server rotations.

In singleplayer mode, raycasts on objects with rotated selectionboxes & automatic rotate will usually only be slightly off; toggling automatic rotation may however cause errors to add up.

In multiplayer mode, the error may be arbitrarily large.


  • next(): returns a pointed_thing with exact pointing location
    • Returns the next thing pointed by the ray or nil.


Interface for the operating system's crypto-secure PRNG.

It can be created via SecureRandom(). The constructor throws an error if a secure random device cannot be found on the system.


  • next_bytes([count]): return next count (default 1, capped at 2048) many random bytes, as a string.


An interface to read config files in the format of minetest.conf.

core.settings is a Settings instance that can be used to access the main config file (minetest.conf). Instances for other config files can be created via Settings(filename).

Engine settings on the core.settings object have internal defaults that will be returned if a setting is unset. The engine does not (yet) read settingtypes.txt for this purpose. This means that no defaults will be returned for mod settings.


  • get(key): returns a value
    • Returns nil if key is not found.
  • get_bool(key, [default]): returns a boolean
    • default is the value returned if key is not found.
    • Returns nil if key is not found and default not specified.
  • get_np_group(key): returns a NoiseParams table
    • Returns nil if key is not found.
  • get_flags(key):
    • Returns {flag = true/false, ...} according to the set flags.
    • Is currently limited to mapgen flags mg_flags and mapgen-specific flags like mgv5_spflags.
    • Returns nil if key is not found.
  • get_pos(key):
    • Returns a vector
    • Returns nil if no value is found or parsing failed.
  • set(key, value)
    • Setting names can't contain whitespace or any of ="{}#.
    • Setting values can't contain the sequence \n""".
    • Setting names starting with "secure." can't be set on the main settings object (core.settings).
  • set_bool(key, value)
    • See documentation for set() above.
  • set_np_group(key, value)
    • value is a NoiseParams table.
    • Also, see documentation for set() above.
  • set_pos(key, value)
    • value is a vector.
    • Also, see documentation for set() above.
  • remove(key): returns a boolean (true for success)
  • get_names(): returns {key1,...}
  • has(key):
    • Returns a boolean indicating whether key exists.
    • In contrast to the various getter functions, has() doesn't consider any default values.
    • This means that on the main settings object (core.settings), get(key) might return a value even if has(key) returns false.
  • write(): returns a boolean (true for success)
    • Writes changes to file.
  • to_table(): returns {[key1]=value1,...}


The settings have the format key = value. Example:

foo = example text
bar = """


Mod metadata: per mod metadata, saved automatically. Can be obtained via core.get_mod_storage() during load time.

WARNING: This storage backend is incapable of saving raw binary data due to restrictions of JSON.


  • All methods in MetaDataRef